Monday, March 23, 2009

Olivia's Ambulance Ride

Um, first of all, WHY does blogger load my pictures BACKWARDS! That is annoying. So I am playing catch-up here. But, these are pictures from her very expensive ride to Primary's! Glad we have good insurance, because 30 minutes is $3200!!!

Our view of the ambulance, because we did not ride with her.

Loading her in. It was really sad, because there were people watching, and they were all so concerned, and kept saying, "aw, poor baby" It made it that much worse for me...

In her isolet. Look how tiny she looks!

And here is a picture with Cari! We LOVED Cari, she was fabulous!


Larson Family said...

Okay I just had a mini heart attack!! I thought something happened and you had to take Olivia back to the hospital!!! I am glad that these are just past pictures! I am so happy for you guys, that is awesome that Curits will be staying at home! I think that will be better for all of you. Sorry I still have your camera we need to get together so I can get it back to you.

Bugg's mama said...

Aren't emergencies so surreal? It's like you think you'd freak out in a scary situation like this, but somehow make it through and everything is fine. Good job for hanging tough!

Anonymous said...

K, yeah, I thought that Olivia had another trip to the hospital as well and I was about to be mad that I learned about it on your blog again!! But, I guess those are just old.

EricandLauren said...

Oh, goodness! I thought something just happened but after reading the comments I figured that this is old news. Thank goodness. I hope that all is going well with the little family!!

katiesmomma said...

awwe.. she did so good.