Ansley turned the big 5 on October 16th! Unforuntely she was sick on her big day! It was so SAD!! I had planned a wonderful birthday party for her at a spa here that does the coolest little parties for girls. We had to cancel it the night before! Bummer. It is rescheduled- in November! Luckily, we had already celebrated with Curtis' family so she had gotten to blow out candles and open a few presents! More to come on her birthday after her party....
14 years ago
Your kids are beautiful! Are you better yet or what?!! I'm sure hoping so, for your sake.
I am so sad she was sick on her birthday! Hopefuly we can make it in November. Love all the new pictures. The one of the girls together makes me want to have a girl!! We will find out in a few days...I would be thrilled to have a boy I just know how much Apri would love to have a baby sister!
Wow, she has really grown up in the last year! I still have all of your pics from last year:-) I am sorry to hear she was sick on her b-day. It was the same way with Cameron last month. We had to postpone his party, and then hardly anyone showed. It was so sad! Hopefully she will have a great birthday party next month. A spa party sounds DIVINE!
Happy Birthday Ansley. You are a doll and keep us laughing.
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