Thursday, February 5, 2009


We had a great day! I needed a great day. I am just terrified that we will have more set backs tomorrow, but praying we don't! The doctor called me shortly after my depressing post earlier to tell me "good news" Olivia has a viral infection! She was so cute, she said, "I normally hate giving parents this news, but this came as such a relief to me!" I was so happy! We finally have some answers as to why she has been acting this way! She also got the other IV out of her head, and tonight when we left she had been off oxygen for 4 hours and was doing really well! I don't want to jinx it, but maybe, just maybe she has turned a corner. If nothing else, she does look pretty darn perfect with no IV's in her head! OH, and she is in a big girl bed, maintaining her own temp!


Andrea said...

I am so sorry that you guys are going through this. I know what you mean. The whole IV in there head is horrible to look at. You are in my prayers, and we can't wait to meet her. REALLY I am still here to help. JUST let me know if and when I can! MEALS anything!

Heather said...

Hey Taylor, This is Heather Anderson. Congratulations on your new little girl. She is beautiful. We have a blog also you can check it out if you like it is How is your family doing? It seems forever since i have heard from anyone from our PCB days. Take care and it would be great to hear from you.

katiesmomma said...

cant wait to see more pics of her