Thursday, January 29, 2009

Our GIRL is here!

Olivia Kate Larson arrived yesterday at 2:51 PM after 5 short hours of labor. She is 6lbs 12oz, and 19in. We are so in love! She has had breathing problems (she stopped last night! SO SCARY), and is in the NICU now on oxygen, and is having some more testing done. She has already had a lot in short life. She is strong though, and we are trying to be. Please keep her in your prayers, she will probably be spending the next week or so in the NICU, but we are praying to take her home before that.


sug said...

YAY! i'm so happy for you guys! she's SO beautiful.

Sarah said...

She is beautiful! You guys are always in my prayers! I can't wait to see pictures of Livvy home with all of you! Lots of love!!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry! :( I will pray for you and her. She will be a good fighter and will grow stronger soon I am sure. the Lord saves the best for these last days!! Congratulations Taylor! I can't wait to meet her in a few weeks!!! Hugs and kisses.

Stacey said...

Congratulations!! She is beautiful! We will definatly keep her in our prayers. Please let us know if you need anything!

Emily said...

Oh she is so beautiful! I'm so happy for you that she is finally here. The first few days are always scary, I'm sure she'll be able to come home soon though. Can't wait to see you both.

Katie said...

She is so cute! I hope everything goes well and she gets to come home soon. Let me know if I can help with Ansley or if she needs a playdate one day we would love to have her. We will keep livvy in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

She's so precious!!! I hope she gets to come home sooner than soon! Congratulations! You guys will be in our prayers for certain!

Coby & Jill said...

She's is adorable!! Congrats on your new little one.
I know from personal experience how emotionally draining it can be having a wee one in the NICU. I felt so weird going home without my baby--- after a few days it started to take a toll. I say this as a caution that it is completely normal, but the NICU units in this state are amazing!! In a few months, you won't even know she was a preemie!!
Will you e-mail me when you get a chance so I can invite you to our blog... I am going to be switching it to private today or tomorrow.
Thanks and CONGRATS!!