Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Ansley...

Listen to what she just said to me:

"Mom, you were much prettier on your wedding day than you are today, because you wouldn't have wanted Curtis to think you are gross, right?


Thanks babe!

And she said:

"Heavenly Father isn't controlling the world very well today because it is SO hot outside!"

She always keeps us laughing!


Katy said...

that chick doesn't know hot...humidity does it all!

Sarah said...

She's been gone from Florida too long! Although lately we are being rained on 24-7. Gotta love the things they come up with, hu? Today Dax told me I was a hot babe. Have I mentioned he is my favorite?! :)

Sarah Stiles said...

Take her to Vegas in August - THAT is hot, lol. She just cracks me up!

Devri said...

She is such a hoot! How are y'all doing?

Emily said...

ah yes I have fond memories of feeling pretty on my wedding day.
I'm pretty gross now days :)

Ju Ju said...

I told B what Ansley said and he laughed almost as hard as I did...almost.